The Amazon RDS console now offers the feature of automatically setting up connectivity between Amazon RDS or Aurora database and AWS Lambda in minutes. This feature helps to eliminate manual tasks such as configuring VPC, security groups, subnets, ingress/egress rules, and RDS proxy and boost productivity.

In this post, we'll quickly check this new feature.

Let's create a PostgreSQL RDS database in the free tier.

The "Set up Lambda connection" option will enabled once the database becomes available.

When the database is in "available" status, go to the "Actions" dropdown and click the "Set up Lambda connection" action.

Here, you can choose an existing AWS Lambda function or create a new one.

If you choose the "Create new function" radio button and provide the Lambda function name, then by default, the lambda runtime is set to Nodejs.18.

You can create connectivity between AWS Lambda and Amazon RDS with or without an RDS proxy. Accordingly, select the "Connect using RDS proxy" checkbox.

Without RDS proxy:

With RDS proxy:

Once the connection setup is successful for the Amazon RDS database and AWS Lambda function, click the "View details" button.

We can see behind the scenes, it has automatically created security groups, inbound and outbound rules, IAM roles and policies,  secret manager, lambda, and RDS proxy etc.  Network connectivity is set up in a secure and scalable way within minutes. This will definitely expedite the development and increase the productivity.
