Use "Public IP Insights" [new feature] to optimize usage of chargeable public IPv4 address

2 min read
Use "Public IP Insights" [new feature] to optimize usage of chargeable public IPv4 address

Public IPv4 addresses will no longer be free. Effective February 1, 2024, Amazon will charge you 0.005$ per public IPv4 address per hour. You will likely soon use "Public IP insights" (a new feature) to optimize the usage of public IPv4 addresses and associated costs to prevent unexpected bills. It is free to use.

"Public IP Insights" is a new feature of Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM).

Public IP insights provide a comprehensive view of all public IPv4 addresses associated with different services in a particular AWS region in your account.

So, it is easy to identify unused/unassociated public IPv4 addresses and release them to save costs. It gives recommendations too.

The following table displays all public IPv4 addresses along with their attributes.

It also provides insight into the possible uses of the IPv4 address. So, you can find alternatives to optimize the use of public IPv4 addresses and costs. For example,

In this case, we can see this public IPv4 address is used only for SSH. So, we can use a better and safer alternative Amazon Ec2 Instance Connect (EIC) to optimize the usage of public IPv4 addresses.

How to connect to Private EC2 Instance using Amazon Ec2 Instance Connect (EIC) :
